Our Blue-Ribbon Recipe for Happy Clients and Serious Results
I met Helen in 2018. Maybe is was by luck or chance or a wild twist of fate.
But whatever the kismet force behind it, our meeting was the start of a new adventure.
We were raising young kids, each with another on the way, and working to build a life in our relatively new hometown. I had moved to Southport three years prior and was running a fledgling professional organizing business.
We became fast friends. Through the years we have been each other's sounding boards, last-minute babysitters, comedic relief, extra set of eyes or willing pair of hands. We grew our businesses and raised our families side-by-side, always dreaming and scheming of ways we could work together. In 2021, in what felt like the most natural transition, I joined Helen at RE/MAX Southern Coast.
"It's not about what someone can do for you, it's who and what the two of you become in each other's presence." - RONALD SHARP, on how friendship transforms us
Individually, we're capable, knowledgeable, and damn good at our jobs. But together, it's magic. With collaboration comes creativity. When creativity meets positivity, the result is an exceptional client experience. We promise to keep you supported and smiling - with serious results.
May never fails to deliver the sweetest strawberries of the year. There's no better way to end a Southern spring than strolling the strawberry field, plucking plump little jewels straight from the plant. But like all life's greatest things - blink and you'll miss it. But if you do, don't fret. Blueberry season is waiting right around the corner.
Whether you'll be stacking mile-high PB&J sandwiches with freshly-made jam or pouring up mouthwatering craft cocktails (strawberry simple syrup anyone?), the kitchen is at the heart of it all. And these Brunswick County beauties don't disappoint.
Want to see these beauties in person? Me too.